Aesthetic Clinic in Cork, Ireland

087 602 0274


Bum Augmentation

Making changes to your eating habits and engaging in physical activity can greatly influence the appearance of your body. However, there are situations where these lifestyle modifications alone cannot produce desired outcomes like enhancing breast size or creating a more voluptuous bum shape. While implants for breasts and buttocks have been accessible for many years, non-implant surgeries aimed at achieving fuller and shapelier bum have become increasingly popular in recent times.

What is a Bum Augmentation?

The Brazilian bum lift, commonly referred to as the BBL, is a widely popular cosmetic treatment that entails transferring fat or injecting fillers to the buttocks to achieve a more voluminous buttock.


 0 days


2 years






2-3 sessions

What concerns does a bum augmentation treat?

  • Flat bottom naturally and wish to have a shapelier bum
  • Saggy / flat bottom due to weight loss or through ageing
  • Cellulite / dimpling on bottom which they wish to smooth
  • Wish to correct ‘hip-dips’ or increase size of hips to give more hour-glass silhouette

What are the benefits from a Brazilian Bum Lift?

  • Instant bum lift 
  • Reduces appearance of cellulite
  • Smooths dimples and reduces unwanted fat.
  • Tones the skin of the buttocks without surgery
  • Lifts and sculpts body contours for an hourglass figure.
  • Increases the size and roundness of the buttocks.
  • Permanent solution to get bigger, shapelier and firmer buttocks

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Procedure Hurt?

You are awake throughout and the treatment is not particularly painful as local anaesthetic is injected at the same time.

When Can I see the results?

Results take around 3 months to become fully visible and last for 2 years.

Can I Go home Immediately?

Surely. You will be able to go home immediately after treatment and there is minimal downtime.

Who Is a Good Candidate for the Procedure?
  • Ideal candidates are seeking natural-looking body sculpting results without the higher risks or recovery time associated with a conventional Brazilian butt lift or implants.
  • Those who have noticed a loss of volume connected with the aging process.
  • Those with naturally flat rear ends, can benefit.

Book Your Consultation Today